Paso Fino Horse Portraits | Julie Cordero Photography | Ocala, Florida

One of my greatest joys as a photographer is the opportunity to capture breeds of horses or dogs that I’ve never had in front of my camera. It is a privilege to learn about what makes the breed unique and special and to get to photograph those characteristics.

On a recent trip to Ocala, Florida- “Horse Capital of the World” - I was invited to photograph a group of six absolutely lovely Paso Fino mares and stallions owned by @ariaspasofino farm and Dr. Edward Mills.

While there, I also got to RIDE one of the mares! What a fun experience! In the video taken, I’m giggling at both the smoothness of the gait as well as the staccato sound of it. If you ever are given the chance to ride one of these unique horses, just say ‘yes!’ These horses execute a natural four-beat lateral ambling gait. This gait is natural to the horse, without the aid of training devices. It’s quite unique.

Enjoy the photos!


Paso Fino Stallion - Julie Cordero Photography - Ocala, Florida

Paso Fino mare being ridden -Ocala, Florida- Julie Cordero Photography